Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

October 2022

The P.T.A. comprises a small group of volunteers who in consultation with the school staff, arrange fundraising activities, the proceeds of which are used to purchase additional items for the school and to subsidise school outings and educational workshops. Over the past few year this has included:

  • Subsiding school trips,
  • Developing the Sensory Garden
  • Outdoor trampolines
  • iPad and cases.
  • Football and Sports goals,
  • First Aid Training for all pupils year 2 and over
  • Purchasing cooking equipment to run cooking club
  • £300 for each class teacher to spend on resources for there class

We are an active organisation and are committed to making a difference for all the children at the school. We are all aware of funding constraints within education and hope, that by giving up some of our time and working with the staff, we can arrange and host events and activities to raise funds to provide the extra facilities, resources and equipment that will help to make the school a better place. This in turn, will enhance our children’s educational experience.


In the past year the P.T.A. have arranged and supported the following events:

  • Movie nights
  • School Discos
  • Donut / cake and ice lolly sales
  • Christmas and Summer raffles
  • Mother’s day , Christmas and father’s day gift shops

The P.T.A. is a registered charity and as such is required to operate within certain statutory guidelines. These include the submission of financial information on an annual basis to the Charity Commission. The AGM is held during September/October at which elections take place for the appointment of post holders, such as Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

The PTA is currently very short of members and without parents help we wouldn’t be able to continue. Should this happen, the cost of school trips etc would be made more expensive to the parents.

If you would like to join the P.T.A. but are concerned you don’t have a lot of time to give don’t worry every little helps. We have a what’s app group of helpers, where we just post when we need help for each event etc. We don’t expect you to be there for every events. Helping might also be popping to the shops for something, wrapping gifts, designing a poster etc. If you would like to be part of the PTA please let your class rep know.   


PTA Members 


Chair                                                 Jade Meades

CO Chair                                           Louise Prior

Secretary                                          Natalie Frost

Treasurer                                          Tracey Smith

Class Reps: 


 Louise Prior (Reception)

 Jenny (Year 1/2)

Louise Prior (Year 2/3)

 Natalie Frost  (Year 3/4)  

Jo Powell-Perry (Year 5/6)

Other current members:        

Laura McKeown

Katie Warren

 Kate Scarisbrick


Teacher Reps:                                 Jo Powell -Perry