Welcome to Year One

In our class you will find:

 Class Teacher - Mr Absalom - Richard.Absalom@walkern.herts.sch.uk

Teaching Assistant - Miss Huetson

Using magnifying glasses to examine different materials.

Welcome back!

Welcome to Year One - I hope you all had a lovely summer!  We are back in school and ready to learn!

This year marks the beginning of your child's KS1 journey.  The progress made in this year is the foundation of their education throughout the rest of school up to and including higher education levels.  There will be a marked increase in the difficulty, complexity and volume of work that your children are expected to produce when compared with their achievements in reception, but remember that we have a whole year to get there and will be taking the transition nice and slowly!

Please see the top of the page for a link to the curriculum document which outlines what we will be learning up until Christmas.  There is also a link to helpful advice regarding helping your child with reading at home. 




Spellings will go out each Friday and are practised in school through handwriting. Please practise these at home too, to help your child feel confident with their spellings.

PE Kits should stay in school where possible. We have PE on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so make sure that you have your kit with you on those days at least.

Please make sure to hear your child read at home as regularly as possible.  School books will be changed weekly - but current evidence suggests reading the same book multiple times is the best method of improving reading in children of EYFS and KS1 age.  The first read should allow the child to use phonics to decode words, the second read should build fluency and subsequent reads should allow an improved flow or reading and deeper exploration of the text.  

Keep checking this space as we will soon have lots of pictures up of what we have been working on.