Years 5 and 6

Teacher - Mr. S. Brown

Teaching Assistant - Miss T Stairs


Autumn Term 2024

Dear Year 5/6, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year!

Important information:

  • School begins at 8.45
  • P.E. takes place on Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. 
  • Homework will be handed out on a Friday. Homework should be completed and handed in by the following Thursday, unless topic based. Homework will move online later in the term. 
  • Spellings will be handed out on a Friday. Although these will be practiced in school, further practice at home will be beneficial. Spelling tests will take place on Fridays. 
  • Children should, if possible, read at home every day. Research has shown that reading with your child for as little as 10 minutes each day has a significant impact on reading ability.
  • Pick up time at the end of the day is 15.15

If you have any questions regarding the class or your child, do not hesitate to leave a note or comment in your child's reading record or, alternatively, email the school. 

Best regards,

Mr. Brown                                                  

Below you will find documents to support your child's home learning.


Links to support home learning.docx